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Fluorescent corals: how some corals fight bleaching.


Coral reefs face many threats, including global warming, which is causing coral bleaching. However, some coral species have an astonishing ability to survive these extreme conditions thanks to a unique weapon: fluorescence. This intriguing phenomenon has intrigued scientists because it could offer a clue to understanding how some corals defend themselves against bleaching. In this article, we explore the mechanism of coral fluorescence and its potential role in protecting corals.

1. What is coral bleaching?

Coral bleaching occurs when corals, under heat stress caused by rising water temperatures, expel zooxanthellae, symbiotic microscopic algae that live in their tissues. These algae provide corals with most of their energy through photosynthesis and are responsible for their color. Without them, corals turn white, and if they don't recover these algae quickly, they eventually die.

Coral bleaching is a response to environmental stress, and it is occurring more frequently due to global warming. However, some species of fluorescent corals appear to be more resilient to this phenomenon than others.

2. Coral fluorescence: a fascinating mechanism

Coral fluorescence is a phenomenon in which some corals emit bright, brilliant colors under specific light, often in shades of green, red, or blue. This phenomenon is caused by fluorescent proteins in their tissues, which absorb ultraviolet light and re-emit it at a visible wavelength.

Fluorescent corals are particularly visible in tropical reefs, where light penetrates deep into clear waters. The crucial question is why these corals produce these fluorescent pigments and whether this plays a role in their survival.

3. Fluorescence as protection against bleaching

Recent research suggests that fluorescence may help some corals protect themselves from the harmful effects of bleaching. Here are the main potential mechanisms:

  • Light filtering : Fluorescent proteins act as filters by absorbing ultraviolet light, which can be harmful to zooxanthellae and corals themselves. By filtering this light, corals reduce light stress, which could help prevent the loss of zooxanthellae during periods of heat stress.

  • Reducing heat stress : Fluorescent proteins may also help dissipate some of the heat energy received by corals, thereby reducing their internal temperature. This hypothesis, although still under investigation, may explain why some fluorescent corals are less likely to bleach during heat waves.

  • Repairing damaged tissue : Studies have shown that some corals use fluorescence as a way to repair their damaged tissues. Fluorescent proteins may act by stimulating cell growth in areas affected by environmental stress, thereby facilitating coral regeneration.

4. Corals resistant to extreme environments

Fluorescent corals have been observed in environments where conditions are particularly harsh for marine life, such as tropical reefs subject to large temperature fluctuations. These species appear to be better able to adapt to rapid changes in environmental conditions, allowing them to survive where other corals perish.

For example, in some areas of the Red Sea, fluorescent corals have managed to survive mass bleaching events, while other nearby species have suffered high mortality. These corals could represent a model of resilience in the face of global warming, offering an opportunity for reef restoration around the world.

5. Implications for coral reef conservation

The discovery of the protective properties of fluorescence in some corals opens up promising avenues for reef conservation. Here are some possible solutions based on this research:

  • Breeding resilient corals : By better understanding the mechanisms of fluorescence and its effects on bleaching resistance, scientists could identify and cultivate more resilient coral species. These corals could then be reintroduced to degraded reefs to promote their regeneration.

  • Reef Restoration : Restoration programs, such as those led by the Coral Restoration Foundation , could include breeding fluorescent corals to replant reefs that are more resilient to global warming.

  • Monitoring and protection : Fluorescent corals could also serve as markers to identify reefs that are more resilient to the effects of climate change. Protecting these reefs could preserve critical areas of marine biodiversity, while supporting ecosystems that can adapt to new environmental conditions.


Coral fluorescence is more than just an aesthetic phenomenon: it may be a biological response to the growing threats posed by global warming and coral bleaching. By filtering light and reducing heat stress, some species of fluorescent corals show surprising resilience in extreme environments. Research on these corals offers a glimmer of hope for coral reef preservation, highlighting the importance of targeted conservation and restoring resilient species.

Scientific references:

  1. Salih, A., Larkum, A., Cox, G., Kühl, M., & Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2000). “Fluorescent pigments in corals are photoprotective.” Nature , 408(6814), 850-853. Available here

  2. Palmer, CV, Modi, CK, & Mydlarz, LD (2009). “Coral fluorescent proteins as antioxidants.” PLoS ONE , 4(10), e7298. Available here

  3. Smith, E.G., D’Angelo, C., Salih, A., & Wiedenmann, J. (2013). “Coral fluorescence in response to coral bleaching.” PLoS ONE , 8(11), e80378.

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