Do you want to better understand coral to better protect it?
Join our online Masterclass on coral reef preservation now!
Video Format
4 x 20 mins
1 year
Knowledge tests & certificate
About the Masterclass
🎤 "This Masterclass is rich and accessible at the same time. Scientific and educational. Aesthetic and synthetic..."
- Justine G
For the French version released in October 2024. Find all the participants’ testimonials a little further down!
Accessible for all levels
Science & Experience Sharing
Impactful photo & video visuals
Welcome to our coral reef exploration.
Would you like to learn more about coral biology and coral reef ecology? Understand the threats they face? Discover concrete actions to contribute to their preservation? This Master class is made for you! Don't hesitate to register now.
Masterclass pre-sales Online release
January 31, 2025
Understanding coral to better protect it. Online Masterclass on coral reef preservation
Accessible for all levels
For Divers - Students - Ocean lovers...
Quiz to test your knowledge
Certificate of participation
Total duration: 1h20
4 episodes of 20 mn each
Scientific resources
Experience sharing
Impactful photographic visuals
10% donated to the Coral Guardian association
Our team is at your service
A team at your service
Bonus: Access to the coral community!
Pre-sale discount - Online release January 31, 2025
Your comments
For the French version released in October 2024:
“These courses are a wonderful discovery.
Fascinating, accessible and instructive, these 4 episodes teach us a lot about corals, starting with humility." - Gaëlle M
"People from the field, talking about the field, it's so good!! Bravo Martin for sharing this which reflects years of experience on coral reefs. " - Olivier D
"This Masterclass is rich and accessible at the same time. Scientific and educational. Aesthetic and synthetic. The training's illustration photos are a real treat for the eyes, so much so that we would like to do the training on a giant screen!" - Justine G
Learning outcomes
Special rate
We are committed to making our Coral Reef Conservation Masterclass accessible to as many people as possible. That is why we offer discounted rates for students , job seekers, universities , groups and young people under 25. We believe that everyone, regardless of their background, can contribute to the protection of the oceans and coral reefs. So do not hesitate to contact us.
Support coral
reef preservation
For each registration to this Masterclass, 10% is donated to Coral Guardian . Your participation thus contributes not only to enriching your knowledge, but also to preserving corals and supporting those who depend on them. Coral Guardian is a French association that supports local communities by directly involving them in the protection and restoration of coral ecosystems on which they directly depend. Find it here:
the speaker
Martin Colognoli
Marine biologist / Coral specialist
I am Martin Colognoli, I am a marine biologist and specialist in coral reefs. For more than 15 years, I have studied and photographed coral. In 2012, I founded the NGO Coral Guardian which aims to preserve coral reefs. I have been at the heart of the problems facing corals today. I got involved in their preservation on the ground with the people who directly depend on them. Today I invite you to share my experience through this course. You have questions ? Do not hesitate to contact me .
Suscribe to my
A drop of info on water and coral?
Feel free to subscribe to my BLUE-LETTER , it's a mix of news, art, science and photography. It will be sent to you once a month.
Masterclass pre-sales Online release
January 31, 2025
Understanding coral to better protect it. Online Masterclass on coral reef preservation
Accessible for all levels
For Divers - Students - Ocean lovers...
Quiz to test your knowledge
Certificate of participation
Total duration: 1h20
4 episodes of 20 mn each
Scientific resources
Experience sharing
Impactful photographic visuals
10% donated to the Coral Guardian association
Our team is at your service
A team at your service
Bonus: Access to the coral community!
Pre-sale discount - Online release January 31, 2025
Join us
Ensemble, durant ces 4 épisodes, nous allons découvrir les bases du fonctionnement biologique du corail ainsi que l’écologie des récifs coralliens. Nous verrons les menaces auxquelles ils sont confrontés et nous verrons quelles actions nous pouvons entreprendre pour mieux les préserver. Nous aborderons les différentes stratégies pour la conservation de ces récifs, qui incluent la restauration corallienne et la protection de leur espace naturel.
C’est une Masterclass qui s'adresse aussi bien aux connaisseurs qu'aux néophytes souhaitant mieux comprendre le fonctionnement du corail. Vous y trouverez aussi des liens et sources pour approfondir votre apprentissage.
Vous êtes étudiante ou étudiant, journaliste, vous pratiquez la plongée sous-marine, l’apnée, ou êtes tout simplement passionné des milieux marins ? Cette Masterclass est faite pour vous.
Participer à ce cours vous permettra de mieux comprendre le corail, pour mieux le protéger. Les récifs coralliens représentent un enjeu de souveraineté alimentaire internationale et un emblème de protection du vivant.